No Way Back has been up for about a week now, here's what I learned with it

Hello, I'm Jack and, wow what a wild ride it was. It was last year when I actually started this, the quest to finish one game, I had a story, full of ideas and got overwhelmed by the complexity of creating a game by myself really fast. The story was re-written about 4 to 5 times until launch and I had decided to give up by December 2020. 

I can imagine that most devs may be in a similar situation, you make a cool prototype, it has nice gameplay, maybe nice graphics or it doesn't but you really love this game but feel like you don't know what to do next or you feel that it's useless to finish, after all there's so many people making way better games out there, right? I may not be the person to say this, I quitted at one point after all, but I came back and finished the game, so don't judge me about that. 

I feel like we tend to do this, not only related to make games, but during our lives generally. We have something of our own, something we created and it is special just by that, but we tend to minimize our achievements comparing them to others achievements. I did this all the time, after hours trying to fix something, I visited Itch io and looked at all those awesome games people were creating and thought:

 "Look at what I've been doing, I'll never be as good as these guys", and this is not good not only for your game but for you mentally.  You shouldn't be comparing your game to anybody else's games, especially if you're starting out. Wanna compare it anyway just to feel if you're going the right way? then compile many versions of your game as you're developing, take screenshots, record videos of gameplay. Then when you have 2, 3 weeks of development feeling like you didn't progressed at all, watch back those, play the previous versions, you'll be mesmerized at how you have improved, even if it's small things in it. So NEVER, NEVER compare your games to others, you won't be achieving more than disappointment. You  don't know how many games and how experienced these people are, you don't know how long they're developing that game and even if you do,  Fuck it, they're they and you are you, it's not fair to be comparing stuff like this when each person is different, have different free time, different backgrounds, etc. 

So I mainly focused on part of the motivational problem many devs tend to have, hope this little post is useful to you and keep making awesome stuff and putting your vision of the world out there. 

Love, P. Jack 

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Feb 14, 2021

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